Deploy my chatbot using docker

@nik202 I am trying to train my model again everything is perfectly done but bot still giving me the previous model responses. As previously we did the docker installation I changed nothing only the training data and then i run (sudo docker-compose up --build) everything is perfectly done but when I try to talk to bot it still shows me the previous model response.

Are you comfortable here or should I create a new topic?

@Rishabhh17 Please inspect the container whilst using my above mention command and check that its trained at what date and time? if its new then you fine and if its old then he is saving model some where and fetch the older model from path you mentioned? I hope you got my point.

@nik202 Actually there is only one model in the models directory that’s of today. Below is the log it says that model is saved in models but in models there is another model.

Core model training completed.
Your Rasa model is trained and saved at '/app/models/20210921-045107.tar.gz'.
Removing intermediate container 9b9169736348
 ---> 234ddbe233b1
Step 6/8 : VOLUME /app/models
 ---> Running in bd6acce0c3da
Removing intermediate container bd6acce0c3da
 ---> 5e32c53704d5
Step 7/8 : CMD [ "run","-m","/app/models","--enable-api","--cors","*","--debug" ,"--endpoints", "endpoints.yml", "--log-file", "out.log", "--debug"]
 ---> Running in dd735e5b61b5
Removing intermediate container dd735e5b61b5
 ---> 926aa495124c
Step 8/8 : EXPOSE 5005
 ---> Running in 89a0b2d505f6
Removing intermediate container 89a0b2d505f6
 ---> 16539700d72e
Successfully built 16539700d72e
Successfully tagged smart_hr_rasa:latest
Building action_server
Step 1/7 : FROM rasa/rasa-sdk:2.7.0
 ---> 9681c32b59b0
Step 2/7 : WORKDIR /app
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 3bbe3bf6bdb4
Step 3/7 : COPY requirement.txt requirement.txt
 ---> Using cache
 ---> e286ab6eeade
Step 4/7 : USER root
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 3c98d05849ee
Step 5/7 : RUN pip install -r requirement.txt
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 53c88b1601b1
Step 6/7 : EXPOSE 5055
 ---> Using cache
 ---> b9778ef09b79
Step 7/7 : USER 1001
 ---> Using cache
 ---> d325d7177b1e
Successfully built d325d7177b1e
Successfully tagged smart_hr_action_server:latest
Recreating rasa_server ... done
Starting action_server ... done
Attaching to action_server, rasa_server

In models directory there is a model named (20210921-043548.tar.gz).

@Rishabhh17 Delete manually all the model and then try train it again,

@nik202 Still the same response. This is the new model (Your Rasa model is trained and saved at ‘/app/models/20210921-051602.tar.gz’). models directory is empty there is no model . Where I can have the access to this /app/models.

@Rishabhh17 I told you you need to inspect

docker exec -u root -t -i actions_server /bin/bash


docker exec -u root -t -i rasa /bin/bash

@nik202Below is the log

root@Rasachatbot2:/home/azureuser/smart_hr# docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                        COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                       PORTS                                                                                    NAMES
b8fc3ed86b2b   smart_hr_rasa                "rasa run -m /app/mo…"   About an hour ago   Exited (137) 3 minutes ago                                                                                            rasa_server
965e0666dd44   smart_hr_action_server       "./ sta…"   4 days ago          Exited (0) 3 minutes ago                                                                                              action_server
26bcc602ec00   3c98d05849ee                 "/bin/bash -o pipefa…"   4 days ago          Exited (1) 4 days ago                                                                                                 elated_dhawan
c0a962227760   3c98d05849ee                 "/bin/bash -o pipefa…"   4 days ago          Exited (1) 4 days ago                                                                                                 gifted_williamson
21bec2a7ce44   nginx:1.19                   "/docker-entrypoint.…"   4 days ago          Up 4 days                    80/tcp,>8080/tcp, :::81->8080/tcp,>8443/tcp, :::444->8443/tcp   rasa_nginx_1
eb680ed3b730   rasa/rasa-x:0.42.2           "/tini -g -- sh -c '…"   4 days ago          Up 4 days                    5002/tcp                                                                                 rasa_rasa-x_1
3b1eb6b017a0   rasa/rasa-x:0.42.2           "python -m…"   4 days ago          Up 4 days (healthy)          8000/tcp                                                                                 rasa_db-migration_1
f06bcd16be61   rasa/duckling:     "duckling-example-ex…"   4 days ago          Up 4 days                    8000/tcp                                                                                 rasa_duckling_1
7606f3f984a1   bitnami/postgresql:11.11.0   "/opt/bitnami/script…"   4 days ago          Up 4 days                    5432/tcp                                                                                 rasa_db_1
8cf69cbe0e49   bitnami/redis:6.2.4          "/opt/bitnami/script…"   4 days ago          Up 4 days                    6379/tcp                                                                                 rasa_redis_1
6e09e770764f   bitnami/rabbitmq:3.8.17      "/opt/bitnami/script…"   4 days ago          Up 4 days                    4369/tcp, 5671-5672/tcp, 15671-15672/tcp, 25672/tcp                                      rasa_rabbit_1
root@Rasachatbot2:/home/azureuser/smart_hr# docker exec -u root -t -i rasa /bin/bash
Error: No such container: rasa

@Rishabhh17 It’s just a name bro, you need to mention rather a container ID or image name in this command

docker exec -u root -t -i rasa /bin/bash

Or google how to inspect the docker container, maybe I am not able to explain well.

@nik202 Thanks once again. I appreciate your help. :pray:

@Rishabhh17 Rishabh mark back to same solution, this is extra issue not related to main topic please. Thanks :slight_smile: and start exploring more on docker :slight_smile:

1 Like

hi. I’m trying to use your files to deploy my rasa 3.2 project and I’m getting this error “Enabling coroutine debugging. Loop id 112497680.” Can you help?

@jean-on-hub can you share the screenshot of your error?

@nik202 I am also facing difficulties from last 1 week regarding deployment of the rasa chatbot to cloud or ubuntu instance of digital ocean. Exactly, i am not able to figure out what is root cause. Can you help me in that like what exact procedure to deploy rasa chatbot to cloud and ability to run in my live website(Wix) also . As of now, i have checked with the locally. it working fantastic. Also checked with rasa shell in instance.

@Darshnik I never deployed on this platform but you can explore this YouTube and it’s parts hope this will help you