I’m trying to think of a way to customize the default fallback in a way so that it returns a feedback form after being activated for the third time. I imagine it doing this:
user: iohqioghq
bot: I didn't get that
user: iohqioghq
bot: I didn't get that
user: iohqioghq
bot: I must be doing something wrong. Care to tell me what's up? *feedback form*
Thing is, I’m not much of a programmer. Can you guys help?
I think you would good very similar behavior out of the box with Policies.
If you want to it yourself in a custom action, it’s probably sth like (didn’t have time to test it, but as a start):
from rasa_sdk import Action
from rasa_sdk.events import UserUtteranceReverted
class ActionSearchVenues(Action):
def name(self):
return "action_custom_fallback"
def run(self, dispatcher, tracker, domain):
number_of_fallbacks_in_a_row = 0
for event in tracker.events_after_latest_restart():
if event.get("event") == "action":
action_name = event.get("name")
if action_name == "action_custom_fallback":
number_of_fallbacks_in_a_row += 1
elif action_name != "action_listen":
# it's okay if a action_listen is in between
number_of_fallbacks_in_a_row = 0
if number_of_fallbacks_in_a_row >= 2:
pass # fill this with your desired behavior
dispatcher.utter_message("Please rephrase") # Could be the case that you also have to revert this one
# Revert latest user utterance
return [UserUtteranceReverted]