Customized answers in the actions file don’t work when i deploy rasa to facebook by ngrok

Hello! i have a problem when i deploy rasa to facebook it doesn’t pick up the file. My bot only answers frequently asked questions, customized answers in the actions file don’t work.

i use Vietnamese , hope you understand ^^ : longnguyenQB/chatbot_tuyensinh (

@longnguyenQB Hello, can you please share the action server logs whilst using the command rasa run actions --debug

@longnguyenQB I hope you mentioned the action_search_exits under actions in domain.yml ?

@longnguyenQB can you even share the file for us.

Question: Is your chatbot is able to render on Facebook?

Question: Is your chatbot is able to render on Facebook? → yes, but my chatbot only answers questions that are not in file

I already shared the github link above, thank you, last time you also helped me a lot!

@longnguyenQB opps not seen :frowning: Give me some time too see me exhausted!

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hope you help me soon :((

im waiting for you <3

@longnguyenQB you need to share me the action logs for your error, open a second terminal run rasa run actions and in first terminal run rasa, and performed the same scenario and share me the both terminal error screenshot. I’m setting a reminder for you :slight_smile:

@longnguyenQB you can even used this syntax for fetching the xls file, and I will suggest save the file in .csv format rather .xlxs on

Just a demo code for your ref:

class ActionSearchExits(Action):

 def __init__(self):
        self.faq_data = pd.read_csv('./data/Tuyensinh.csv')

 def name(self) -> Text:
        return "action_search_exits"

PS: can be a issue of data frame, I am not sure!

@longnguyenQB Even check you FB secret key or I will suggest just rasa and check with rasa shell the complete code.

Thanks bro! I have solved this problem successfully, i think the problem is in the version of rasa, when i install rasa version 2.8.1 ,everything is solved!!!