Hello. I am trying to build a voice bot using rasa and deep speech. I am referring to this link: https://rasa.com/blog/how-to-build-a-voice-assistant-with-open-source-rasa-and-mozilla-tools/
I added the socketio_connector.py file and updated the credentials.yml with
bot_message_evt: bot_uttered
session_persistence: true
user_message_evt: user_uttered
Now when I run the command rasa run --enable-api -p 5005, I get this error
RasaException: Failed to find input channel class for ‘socketio_connector.SocketIOInput’. Unknown input channel. Check your credentials configuration to make sure the mentioned channel is not misspelled. If you are creating your own channel, make sure it is a proper name of a class in a module.
Please help.
Regards, SKS socketio_connector.py (8.0 KB)