Hi everyone, I am trying to deploy rasa on docker using docker compose, so that I can deploy both Rasa Server and Action Server(rasa custom action) on docker.
Although I can deploy both of them on docker, there is an issue where my registered functions (aka. custom actions in actions.py) are not recognized by docker. To clarify what I meant I am going to show you a picture when I run “rasa run actions” and a picture in the action server image in docker when I run “docker-compose up”
rasa run actions
docker-compose up
(inside the action server):
I have tried retrain the nlu model and remove all the containers and images using “docker system prune --all” and “docker image prune --all”, but it still does not work.
Here are the files I used for docker :
output I get when I run docker-compose up:
output I get when I try to use the custom action:
If you spot any mistake I have made in order to fix this issue please do let me know. Thank you!!