Custom action not responding

Hello everyone, im facing an issue where one of the custom actions is not responding when called but others are responding. as of my knowledge I have double-checked the code but couldn’t find an error.I have attached the python code below. Please help me to solve this error.

Python code :

class booking (Action):
    def name (self) -> Text:
        return "action_booking_option"
    def run(self, dispatcher: CollectingDispatcher, tracker: Tracker, domain: Dict[Text,Any]) -> List[Dict[Text, Any]]:
        value = tracker.get_slot("book_options_slot")
        value_travel = tracker.get_slot ("area_travel")
        if value == 'room': 
            dispatcher.utter_message (response = "utter_hotel_room_type" )
        if value == 'Food':
            if value_travel == 'International':
                dispatcher.utter_message(response=  "utter_food_international")
            if value_travel == 'Domestic' :
                dispatcher.utter_message (response = "utter_food_domestic")
        elif value == 'Travel':
            return [FollowupAction("action_destination")]
        return []

this block of code calls action destination if the value is equal to travel

This is the code mentioned below is for action destination

class City_Options(Action):
    def name (self) -> Text:
        return "action_destination"
    def run(self, dispatcher: CollectingDispatcher, tracker: Tracker, domain: Dict[Text,Any]) -> List[Dict[Text, Any]]:
        value = tracker.get_slot("area_destination")
        value_travel = tracker.get_slot("area_travel")
        if value == 'room': 
            dispatcher.utter_message (response = "utter_hotel_room_type" )
        elif value == 'Food':
            if value_travel == 'International':
                dispatcher.utter_message(response=  "utter_food_international")
            if value_travel == 'Domestic' :
                dispatcher.utter_message (response = "utter_food_domestic")
        elif value == 'Travel':
            if value_travel == 'International': 
                if value == 'LasVegas':
                    dispatcher.utter_message(response= "utter_Lasvegas_packages")
                elif value == 'Orlando':
                elif value == 'Miami':
            if value_travel == 'Domestic' :
                if value == 'Kolkata':
                elif value == 'Hydrabad':
                elif value == 'Bangalore':
        return [] 

@nik202 but action_booking_option works fine, the problem is with action_destination

@Venkat check FollowAction and ref this thread please : Getting action_listen for followup_action value even after adding a followup action

Hi, how is your rule and story? did you put the name of the actions in the domain?

@RodrigoLima Yeah it is working now