Current way of letting the bot start the conversations

Hi there!

First of all thank you for trying to solve my question.

I´m new using this library and I was wondering which is the best way of letting the bot start the conversation. Just from rasa shell, it wouldn´t be integrated in any external platform.


Bot: Hello, I´m here to solve you any question.
Bot: Ask me anything you want to know.
...and now the "actual conversation" starts.

Thank you in advance!

I think this could help.

Thanks @Tobias_Wochinger :slight_smile:

I´ll check it out!

Actually I´d already tried it and I couldn´t go through it.

class ActionSessionStart(Action):

    def name(self) -> Text:
        return "action_session_start"

    async def run(
      self, dispatcher, tracker: Tracker, domain: Dict[Text, Any]
    ) -> List[Dict[Text, Any]]:
        # the session should begin with a `session_started` event
        events = [SessionStarted()]
        return events

class ActionSessionStart(Action):

    def name(self) -> Text:
        return "action_greet"

    async def run(
      self, dispatcher, tracker: Tracker, domain: Dict[Text, Any]
    ) -> List[Dict[Text, Any]]:
        # the session should begin with a `session_started` event
        events = []
        dispatcher.utter_message(text="Hola. Soy un chatbot recomendador de planes de pensiones.")
        dispatcher.utter_message(text="Un plan de pensiones es un instrumento de ahorro e inversión a largo plazo con el fin de complementar la pensión de la Seguridad Social.")
        # an `action_listen` should be added at the end as a user message follows
        #events.append(ActionExecuted("action_listen")) not added because after action_greet a form should be triggered by a rule

        return events

Both action names are added in domain.yml and action endpoint is enable in endpoints.yml.

Neither it works when the conversations start nor when using /session_start as an intent. Any clue?