Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow~=1.15.0

@JulianGerhard tensorflow is install but same error while installing rasa

please solve this @JulianGerhard

Hi @rahulkoundal,

please do the following: Open a normal CMD window, follow my VirtualEnvironment Tutorial, source it and then do a pip install rasa.

I assume that something is wrong in your setup.

Kind regards

@JulianGerhard both are compulary Install virtualenvwrapper-wi and pip install virtualenvwrapper-win

@JulianGerhard i go your blog for the virtaul env but the same error

please @JulianGerhard if there is any other way please suggest me now from today i have to start dev and now its fucking my work

Hi @rahulkoundal,

the only way I see is that I examine your system for myself - could you provide me with RDP/TeamViewer/… credentials? I can take a look then.

Kind regards

@JulianGerhard thankyou so much for your help . Now i am fix the issue . My python is 32 bit and system is 64 bit that why i face this issue

Hi @rahulkoundal,

ha - okay - cool that you fixed it! Glad that I could help! :slight_smile:

Kind regards

Thank you so much! This seems to have worked.

After a lot of struggle I finally made it work on Ubuntu Server 20.

Apparently Rasa installation will only work with Python 3.7 in the virtual environment. Just getting Python 3.7 isn’t enough, because pip must also be in the same environment.

For all poor guys fighting with the same issue, procedure is following:

  1. install Python 3.7 using deadsnakes PPA
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3.7 python3.7-dev python3.7-venv
  1. change to project directory, then create virtual environment, activate it and update pip
cd myproject
/bin/python3.7 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -U pip
  1. finally Rasa installation should work
pip install rasa

I hope this will help someone.

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Thx, edited and corrected

Is there any way to run this outside of a virtual env? I am looking for instructions on how to get this up and running…

  1. I am on Ubuntu 18.04 on AWS/EC2
  2. I need to run an actions server and normal rasa
  3. I need it to be unattended (eg when the machine gets rebooted, it needs to come back up on rasa+actions)


Only if you make sure that python interpreter will always be in version 3.7.

At least problem for me was, that when pip or rasa commands were called, actual used python version was different and that led to errors.

I solved this problem with

pip install --upgrade pip

I just tried in terminal, after that the rasa is installed. But I have error with

init rasa