Connect rasa action server to springboot application in a kubernet clutser


I have a doubt related to a rasa deployment question. I am trying to deploy it on a local machine not on any cluster.

My rasa action server talks to a springboot application. I was wondering how can I deploy these rasa and springboot together.

From The Complete Guide To Deploying Your Rasa Assistant what I understood is I have to go for a online deploy script which will deploy my rasa server and action server and I may have to use separate kubernet deployment file to deploy the springboot application.

I am playing to expose the springboot application as a NodePort as follows

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: springbootapp
    app: springbootapp
    - port: 8080
      protocol: TCP
      targetPort: 8080
  type: NodePort

    app: springbootapp          

I was wondering how should I connect rasa action server to the springboot application. Without a kubernet cluster I was connecting as http://localhost:8080/endPoint. Since the springbootapp will be a NodePort service, should I store the ip of the springbootapp in a environment variable and use that even in action server or something else?

Please give some suggestions