Chatbot Widget for mobile app

Hi all,

There is a useful rasa-webchat widget which can be integrated easily with webapp (using React). Has anyone tried this widget with iOS or Android app? I tried with iOS (with React native) but it doesn’t seem to work.



Hey Achinta!

I don’t believe the widget is built with React Native in mind and would need quite a bit of work to do so.

However, looking at the source of the rasa-webchat widget will give you a good lead on how to use the socketio connector that’s built into rasa_core to make your own!


Thanks for the reply @gausie. Is there any plans to release rasa-webchat in React Native? It would further increase the popularity of rasa-webchat. Moreover, React Native version can still be used for Webapp via react-native-web. Just one piece of code working for both webapp and mobile apps!!

Until then, I will see whether it is easy to redo rasa widget in react native or just do more research to find some open source code of chat widget in react native

Does that really work over android pie? I heard it is not. Correct me if am wrong.

Regards, Napsa Ffeknu .

I am sorry Napsa, I am not sure whether it will work for android pie.

Cheers, Achinta

I haven’t used React Native yet, although it’s probably worth a try. Can you explain what React Native is all about? I am a novice developer of websites and applications, so I think it will be really useful for me to learn something new for myself. Sorry to bring up an old post. When I was still studying at the university, my teacher always advised me to act wisely. For example, when my teacher needs an answer to a difficult question, he tries to find an old post on the same topic, because in such posts, people were looking for answers in the same way, and most likely the person who asked the question already knows the answer to it. Usually, this method does not always work. For example, when I was looking for a development team, it was much easier to just go to a similar service like digis than to search through old posts. I hope you can answer my question.