Change intent recognized in Custom Action if nlu_fallback


Is there a way to set an intent for user free text? Rasa recognizes nlu_fallback, and if that is the case I want to set intent to intent_test. What should I code in Python? thx

Hi @userRasa03, could you please explain in more detail what you mean by “user free text” exactly and how the bot should behave in that case? Ideally, could you please share your config, domain and data files and some example conversations you’d like the bot to follow?

Note also that if you always want to rename the nlu_fallback intent to intent_test and then follow some action, you can do the same without any additional intent by setting up a rule to be triggered by processing the NLU fallback, e.g.

- rule: Do something if NLU fallback is detected
  - intent: nlu_fallback
  - action: action_you_like

Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

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