Can I access the intent of the conversation in domain file

Hello ,

This could be considered as a FAQ, but I coudnt find this info anywhere. I have a domain file that looks like this


  • utter_get_ne_name
  • utter_give_user_info
  • utter_goodbye
  • utter_greet entities:
  • NE_NAME intents:
  • greet
  • integration
  • goodbye slots: NE_NAME: type: text templates: utter_get_ne_name:
    • text: Could you please specify the NE name? utter_give_user_info:
    • text: Hello there , this is a message from the bot with your entity:{NE_NAME} utter_goodbye:
    • text: Good bye
    • text: Seya
    • text: Great talking, bye bye utter_greet:
    • text: Hello, how can I help you?
    • text: Hi, I am here to help.

My requirement is to fetch the intent and entities and create a text out of that eg:


  • text: Hello there , this is a message from the bot with your entity:{NE_NAME} and intent:{MYINTENTHERE}

I know I can track the entity and get it via the slots. But how can I get the intent here? Basically I am not looking at writing a custom action.


Hi Arjun,

Using a custom action is the only way you can do this as of now.