Hello, I need to get one of my bot utterances specified in the domain file programmatically. How would I do this?
Try this,
In domain:
responses: utter_greet_name:
- text: Hi {name}!
in action:
dispatcher.utter_message(template = "utter_greet_name", name = "Aimee")
dispatcher.utter_template("utter_greet_name", tracker, name = "Aimee")
Does this only display text or does it get me the string I can manage through python. I may need to get more than one
responses: utter_show_detail:
- text: Thanks {name}! for the Email id {email}. How can I help you!
actions: action_show_detail
class ActionDetailt(Action):
def name(self) -> Text:
return "action_show_detail"
def run(self, dispatcher: CollectingDispatcher,
tracker: Tracker,
domain: Dict[Text, Any]) -> List[Dict[Text, Any]]:
return []
You need to create the intent in nlu.yml, mention the Intent, Entities, Slots in domain.yml and create the story for the bot/user conversation.
You need to think now I know you can do this. I can’t post the complete code. Good luck. Do share the screenshot with us! Happy learning.
I checked the documentation. dispatcher.utter_message method does not return anything. None of the methods return anything. I don’t want to display a specific message, I want the string. If it can’t be done/ or shouldn’t be done just say so
@LaurentStar The process or code I shared with you should be done. There is no other method in my knowledge. For me, the above method fulfills the requirement which you want, try to follow Rasa · GitHub and see the examples. Hope it will help you more. Good Luck!