Buttons for FAQ intent

Hey guys, I was wondering if anybody else here tackled this matter. I am trying to welcome the user, by greeting once the conversation starts.

  • I have multiple faq intents such as:
  • intent: faq/organization_info
  • intent: faq/product_info

I’ve created a rule, so whenever the conversation starts with the user greeting, it will utter the “utter_welcome” message, which looks like this:


 - text: "Hello, my name is Robo, I am here to help you understand what our organization does better. Please click on one of the following matters to find more about it: "
   - title: "What does our organization do?" 
     payload: "/faq/organization_info"
   - title: "What products are you offering?"
     payload: "/faq/product_info"

Once I train it, I can greet as the user, i will have that welcome message with the buttons above, but clicking them just selectes the action “utter_faq” without selecting the full retrieval intent.

If i use the interactive shell, and I select the full retrieval intent, it will write a new story that contradicts with the FAQ rule.

I have also tried doing the following hoping that the bot will actually retrieve the full intent by itself via the message in the “title” but that doesn’t happen:


 - text: "Hello, my name is Robo, I am here to help you understand what our organization does better. Please click on one of the following matters to find more about it: "

   - title: "What does our organization do?" 
     payload: "/faq"
   - title: "What products are you offering?"
     payload: "/faq"

Has anybody encountered this so far?

Later edit: Also, you guys should check the features of posting on this forum, there is no undo button and that kind of sucks :D. Also, my text formatting is not working as expected… as you can see above.

Regards, Brian

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As I later found out, there is no way to have buttons for the name of the full retrieval intent as stated here:

This is a shame, as I would’ve never imagined I can’t have buttons for FAQ intents… It is a really useful feature for any bot that actually offers FAQ info along whatever else it does.

If you guys have any info on the progress for this issue, do let us know :slight_smile:

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The workaround:

    - text: I'm an AI assistant. I can answer questions and make a reservation for you.
        - title: "Make reservation"
          payload: "/book"
        - title: "What is on menu?"
          payload: "What is on menu?"
        - title: "Where are you located?"
          payload: "Where are you located?"
        - title: "When are you open?"
          payload: "When are you open?"
        - title: "Who created you?"
          payload: "Who created you?"

Of course, it would be more efficient if one could specify the full intent, skipping the NLU step, but whatever.