Hello, here is an interesting one:
we’re using our own action server on URL, let’s say ourserver.com/rasa/action
. When Rasa predicts an action, we receive it correctly. But then we return some actions back to rasa and these actions are not emitted into actions server anymore. Is this a correct behavior?
Example flow:
- let’s have a custom actions
defined in yamlactions
section and use it in some story - action
is being predicted and sent toourserver.com/rasa/action
- our action server responds with events, as states in docs Events (rasa.com)
- one of the events returned by our action server is
"event": "action",
"name": "action_meow"
is being sent into our action server again to be evaluated - ACTUAL -
is being pushed into tracker store, but it’s not sent into action server anymore
This is especially unpleasant especially when action_core_fallback
(core_fallback_action_name) is predicted and we want to execute more actions afterwards.