I am currently working on my master thesis, which deals with the topic of machine ethics in general and especially with ways to model ethical decisions in a machine-understandable manner. The task was to implement a chatbot that is able to collect information from users about ethical dilemmas and process them with regard to established ethical principles, namely deontology and utilitarism. This is for sure pretty challenging, as the structure of such a dialogue is rather complex. Also, as could be expected, the lack of training data is a prevalent problem. Serious testing requires some interest and familiarization with the topic and there are only a few people who took the time to look more closely into the bot and whose dialogues could be included in the dataset accordingly.
At the moment, there is a prototype running at https://ethicbot.com/ which operates with a rather static dialogue structure. Currently, and for the remaining time of my thesis, I’m evaluating the bot’s performance and collect aspects to improve in a future version. Many dialogues by test users are derailed pretty quickly due to wrong classification, or because the bot is not able to deal with dialogues that deviate from his known patterns and the corresponding stories. Still, sometimes the concept works and meaningful dialogues come about, especially when users get used to the bot’s conversational style and get a feeling for the type of input the model works best with.
Overall, implementing the bot with Rasa has been a precious experience which has taught me a lot about conversational AI, more than I can devote to the project in the remaining time. However, I am pretty sure that this won’t be my last project with Rasa as I have learned so much during development and also had a lot of fun.
@alex38 your project sounds really cool! And having real conversations with people is always the best way to develop your bot’s conversational skills, it’s always surprising how people try to interact with a bot in ways you don’t expect glad you had fun working with Rasa!
Migrated Bot-kit to RASA Stack(NLU and Core), and now it’s on production, it’s a healthcare chatbot, still facing some issue but, it’s better to make it happen and make it better with the time.
The main problem that i’m facing are:
handle user’s chit chat whenever and anywhere within the stories
need to understand more about rasa built-in channel, right now use python script to serve the websocket connection to the chat widget
use tracker properly to get all useful insight ( use dialogue tracker only now, without event broker)
tried embedding pipeline, but it is too slow because i need a better instance also, and the stories are too many (for this particular bot in my opinion)
We launched our chatbot on Saturday (using Rasa of course ) Check it out on Messenger: m.me/jadelasvegas
Jade is a Las Vegas personal assistant that recommends restaurants and bars on the strip.
Our company is Black Tie, a Las Vegas bot startup. We would love to get the community’s feedback! We would also love to thank the Rasa team for making this possible. You guys are killing it and we will continue to support and leverage your stack in delivering the best Las Vegas chatbot.
Hallo Harshitazilen! Thanks for sharing it. It gave me hope that I can use Rasa NLU and Rasa core for building a bot in production.
Could you explainn me whether you have customized opensource dataset to the supported format of the Rasa or else you have created your own stories to train NLU and Core?
It is really interesting that your resataurant and Bar recommendation bot using Rasa is on production.
I am new to Rasa and I have to accomplish my Project using Rasa.
Can you explain me whether you have trained Rasa NLU and Core by creating your own intents and stories or else have you customized any open source datasets to achieve it?
Can you tell me Average number of turns in the conversations you have used in the stories to train Rasa Core?
Have you used templates for NLG or else have you used pre-trained NLG models to create natural Responses?
How do we productionize Rasa? How to scale our Rasa application to handle 1000 of concurrent users? Can you please share the techniques and approaches for scaling the bot to handle more than 1000 concurrent user. Thanks in advance
As mentioned by @dadecoza, You just need to maintain and pass the session ID as sender key’s value in the request JSON. Session ID are generally maintained by your Web app.
Hi Juste!I found a problem when I used the jmeter software to test the interface.Returned to empty in my custom action(To eliminate external factors).When I increase the thread, the response time will increase.For example: Number of Threads = 2、run time = 30minutes
I tried to increase the Number of threads to 100 running time of 8 hours, and the average response time is about 25 seconds.So,I want to know if rasa has requirements for Number of threads,and how many users can be accessed by rasa at the same time?
Same question again, if there is any documentation for the below-
I have created chat bot on local and want to test it on production. Could you please suggest some documentation about to hosting bot on production. I am very new on development and it will be very helpful for me. Thank in advance
@shubham3582 can we have a multi Chats functionality open for the same, as in i have installed rasa and currently it is running locally fine, but only for a single session, so you know how can we enable multiple chats.
Do you want to run multiple chatbot instances or you want to run multiple chats for different users ?
Multiple chatbot instances may not possible to run with rasa community edition.
For running the chatbot for different users can be achieved. Your application session/bearer token needs to taken into account while developing your bit.
@shubham3582 to run multiple chats for different users, this is what i want.
"our application session/bearer token needs to taken into account while developing your bit."Can you detail me more about this, is there any configuration changes that needs to be done on the RASA side, is this already present in RASA.