Automatic opening of chatbot window after customer is idle for sometime

I am using rasa open source and rasa webchat to integrate bot with my website. I want that chatbot window automatically opens up and display some message like “How may I help you?”, if the customer is looking on the website but not doing anything from sometime like 5 minutes or 10 minutes. Thanks in advance

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Take a look at Reminders and External Events, it sounds like that’s exactly what you need

Hi @mloubser , i know this might be out of topic , but how do we get the sender_id/conversation_id outside of the perimeter of rasa (python) ? i think this is related when for instance the developer wants to send a POST request using : http://localhost:5005/conversations/{conversation_id}/trigger_intent to trigger the external event (if rasa server is run locally) , i read in the doc that you can get it through tracker.sender_id , but that doesn’t help . You could refer to my post here Slots Set By Clicking Buttons to understand my situation . Thank you . Best Regards

@mloubser I looked at reminders and external events as suggested by you and it is also working fine, but there is one problem. The problem is that if I send an intent(like get_started) from my website as initPayload…then I want that reminder is scheduled as a response of that intent but till the time I do not open my chatbot window(I am using rasa webchat interface), the reminder is not getting scheduled and as soon as I open the chatbot window, reminder gets scheduled…So, in simple words, is there a way to schedule a reminder without opening chatbot window? Thanks for the previous response as it is atleast partially working for me.

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Hi @devesh, you may try below code to open chat window after 25 secs(if your issue is not resolved yet).

var setIntervalId; function openChat() { document.querySelector(’.rw-launcher’).click(); clearInterval(setIntervalId); }

setIntervalId = setInterval(openChat, 25000);

append this code after webchat initialization.