Arbitray text input - what is the good solution

My bot has several intents. For example: greet, ask_faq_question (for response selector), bye, want_switch_to_operator, want_provide_info. Also my bot gets arbitrary text to save it in DB. Now to show such a case when an arbitrary text input is followed by action of text saving I list all possible intents in this way (

  • want_provide_info
    • utter_request_info
  • greet OR ask_faq_question OR bye OR want_switch_to_operator OR want_provide_info
    • action_get_provided_info
    • utter_continue_request …

Creating a separate intent for arbitrary text would be wrong because it can intersect with other intents. Maybe it’s worth creating a new additional intent for all other texts and add it to the intents list in this story?

How would you solve this problem?

Have you tried using FormAction? You can easily get the input text from user using it.

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No,I haven’t yet. Thank you! I’ll read and try.

thank you, Saurabh! I took your advice and everything worked out.

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