Add some new layers to Rasa

Currently, I am trying to add a translation layer to Rasa. Firstly, I need to translate user’s message to English and after that translate bot’s message back to needed language. However current API of rasa does not allow to do it. Can you please consider adding some new layer, that we can use to manipulate messages right after input (before it went to tracker).

Can you tell me more about the problem you’re trying to solve? Is this assistant using CALM or NLU?

Assistant is using CALM. I am trying to add a translation of user’s input to English and bot’s response to user language. I achieved that using my own InputChannel and OutputChannel, however testing is not possible using rasa inspect.

It sounds like you’re trying to build an assistant that supports multiple languages, english and one other, is that correct?

two others, actually. But overall, yeah, that’s what I am trying to do


Found the first best solution here