Problem connecting mysql with rasa x using docker-compose in custom actions

hi @nik202 and , i managed to solve the problem.

i just had to allow my user to connect from my ip (the container ip) in my local database

GRANT ALL ON database_name.* to 'database_username'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'database_password';


you must specify this too the ip of your database

@nik202 I managed to run also multiple bot in the same server just follow the download step and for the configuration , change the port number for the

RASA_X_HOST (by default 5002)


RASA_USER_APP (by default 5055)

and the

RASA_PRODUCTION_HOST (by default 5005)

for the second bot (or the others) Change also the nginx service port

  - "8080:8080"   (by default for the first bot ) to "8081:8080"   (for the second bot)
      - "443:8443"   (by default for the first bot) to "444:8443" (for the second bot)

and in the browser specify the port for both bot

@nik202 maybe i will do a thread if i got some time Thanks for the help