After AllSlotsReset action, I input new intent, rasa core raise action_listen action

python 2.7 ubuntu 16.04 rasa core 0.11.12

I set a AllSlotsReset action in the end of the story, but when I input other intent , rasa core raise There is no memorised next action Predicted next action using policy_0_FallbackPolicy Predicted next action ‘action_listen’ with prob 0.00

How can I do?

The policy I use is: FallbackPolicy MemoizationPolicy

The story is :


  • deny_intent
    • fill_is_second_use
    • slot{“is_second_use”:false}
    • return_goods_advice
    • action_slot_reset


  • greet
    • utter_greet

The action is:

class ActionSlotReset(Action):
def name(self):
return ‘action_slot_reset’

def run(self, dispatcher, tracker, domain):         
    return [AllSlotsReset()]

AllSlotsReset() event only resets the values of your slots, but don’t remove all the conversation history, also you have to add event reset_slots to your stories:

## ask_return_goods_2
* deny_intent
    - fill_is_second_use
    - slot{“is_second_use”:false}
    - return_goods_advice
    - action_slot_reset
    - reset_slots

If you want to restart the conversation return Restarted() event or use default action action_restart:

## ask_return_goods_2
* deny_intent
    - fill_is_second_use
    - slot{“is_second_use”:false}
    - return_goods_advice
    - action_restart
    - restart

Thanks,I tried it, and it make senses.

Hi everyone.

I’m having a similar issue and was hoping you might be able to point me in the right direction: Predicted next action is always 'action_listen'.

In my case, I’m not using slots but somehow rasa_core keeps returning action_listen instead of the correct utterance for the trained story.

I appreciate any advice.

@Ghostvv Can you please have a look at my question? I have a similar issue:

@Ghostvv So how should me make the bot resent the field ‘requested slot’? what I mean is- By setting this event and following up on your advice, i added the event(custom action) in stories too. But upon restart/refresh in between the form, the chat is still requesing slot and rasa core predicts ‘action_liste’. Whats the way to work around this form-breakup?? @WoWuQ Were you able to solve this?

Anyone who had solved this???