January 9, 2019, 8:25am
My rasa core version is 0.11.12.
I am using customized action to get the dialogue.
However, these three actions all return None
Is this normal?
part of the code:
follow_action = tracker.followup_action
lic_log = tracker.current_state().get("latest_input_channel")
print ("followup action: " + str(follow_action))
print ("latest input channel: " + str(lic_log))
state = tracker.current_state()
latest_action = state.get("latest_action_name")
print ("latest_action_name: " + str(latest_action))
followup action: None
latest input channel: None
latest_action_name: None
(Alan Nichol)
January 16, 2019, 3:09pm
these attributes are all set by the tracker when specific events are processed. For example a FollowupAction
event creates this attributed, and the input_channel
is set by the latest user message.
https://github.com/RasaHQ/rasa_core/blob/master/rasa_core/events/ init .py
January 16, 2019, 10:01pm
Actually, the answer is that rasa_core_sdk 11.5 doesnt support that Action latest_action_name, followup_action, latest_input_channel return none · Issue #1559 · RasaHQ/rasa_core · GitHub
As we can see from thesource code , there is no latest_action_name
and latest_input_channel
@amn41 Hey I tried to find input_channel with latest_user_message but I didn’t get any key value or value related to input_channel. I am using rasa_core 0.12.2.