Why are response selectors called always irrespective of the intent predicted

In the NLU pipeline, all response selectors are called irrespective of the intent which is predicted. If the predicted intent is not an intent which is configured for response selection, then isnt the computation happening in all response selectors a waste of resource. I would like to know the design thought process behind response selectors beign called everytime irrespective of the predicted intent.
Please tell if there is any way to achieve this behaviour. That is call response selector only if the predicted intent needs it.

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Hi @dingusagar Have you gotten any explanation about it?

hi @makama-md , no i have’t got any explanation about it from the rasa folkes. But i guess we can always extend ResponseSelector class and overide this behaviour if we need it. Anyways all components in the nlu pipeline are executing in a sequential manner, so response selecter can be optionally run after DIETClassifier if we modify the code little bit.

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