Why am i not able to get entities that are not trained?

please check documentation on how to install/upgrade rasa

The document for Rasa Community does not have anything like how to upgrade.

Am i supposed to install Rasa X also?

Hey @jainsaurav22 do you have rasa installed in a virtual environment? I would suggest maybe creating a new one and only running pip install rasa (the rasa-nlu package isn’t needed).

And instead of using nlu_model.py, I would suggest just running rasa train. I think you may be using an example bot which uses a much older version of our product, and that’s why you’re running into this issue. If you want to try out a newer example bot, you can check these out:

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Will rasa train take care of my python file? I mean to ask that whether rasa train and python nlu_model.py work the same?

If i dont have rasa- nlu installed, its showing error since my python code uses rasa-nlu package for creating Interpreter object. How to work through this? Capture

Its already been 15 days that i am stucked in the same query, kindly help me out on this.

@jainsaurav22, Did you got the solution, You were looking for?.

I modified the config.yml with SpacyNLP. I haven;t declared any entities like(New york, Berlin, UK) or stories like what the weather in USA.

And the entities got detected


This is the pipeline i used 

    # Configuration for Rasa NLU.
    # https://rasa.com/docs/rasa/nlu/components/
    language: en
    - name: SpacyNLP
      model: "en_core_web_sm"
    - name: SpacyTokenizer
    - name: SpacyEntityExtractor
    - name: SpacyFeaturizer
      pooling: mean
    - name: CountVectorsFeaturizer
      analyzer: char_wb
      min_ngram: 1
      max_ngram: 2
    - name: DIETClassifier
      epochs: 1

      - name: MemoizationPolicy
      - name: KerasPolicy
      - name: MappingPolicy

@MuraliChandran14 Thank You so much. This was so kind of you to help me clear my doubts. Its working for me too. :smiley:


You are welcome. :smile: . Kindly please tag this as a solution :grinning:

Tagged :grin:

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Hey @MuraliChandran14 , while training with online train.py file, i am getting an error like from rasa_core.channels.console import ConsoleInputChannel ImportError: cannot import name 'ConsoleInputChannel' Can you help me out with this?

@jainsaurav22 From this reference ConsoleInputChannel has been removed.

May be this post will help you :slight_smile:

Hey @MuraliChandran14 i just had one small question. Above in this chat you have mentioned a way to extract entity. The location entity is extracted with a name GPE. How to extract it with the name location?

@jainsaurav22, are you asking to change the label GPE to location?


One way clone spacy library, search for the keyword GPE in all files and change to location and then do pip install from your local drive.

@MuraliChandran14 Okay i got that. I am getting this new issue when i am fetching weather data from apixu.

When i am trying to fetch any weather of a city, its showing this error.

Here is my actions.py file

Did you register your action_weather in domain.yml?

yes i have made an action.