What’s Ahead in Rasa Open Source 2.0 [Alpha Feedback Thread]

For Forms, you can check here:

For Fallback Actions,

For Rules policy:

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Is there a date for the general release of 2.0?


Will RASA 2.0 changes be reflected/released in RASA X as well at the same time?

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i am really curious to know this too. @akelad

Rasa X will have support for Rasa 2.0 when we release yes :slight_smile: We don’t have an exact date for the release yet, but it will probably be towards the end of the year. We’ve got a few alphas + release candidates scheduled before the final release still to make sure we get enough feedback from the community on all the changes

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Oh thats longer away than we had hoped

I tried training with these story format, however, these warnings appear:

    UserWarning: Issue found in 'data\stories.yml':
    Found an unexpected step in the story description:
    {'user': 'hey\n'}
    It will be skipped.
      More info at https://rasa.com/docs/rasa/core/stories/
    c:\users\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\rasa\utils\common.py:384: UserWarning: Issue found in 'data\stories.yml':
    Found an unexpected step in the story description:
    {'bot': 'Hello!\n'}
    It will be skipped.

Is the text input not supported yet for this alpha? I saw in the yaml_story_reader.py, the parser still doesn’t consider key user, bot, or even text.

hey @tomgun132, can you show your stories.yml file?

Hey @JiteshGaikwad, this is my stories.yml:

- story: request restaurant with chitchat
    - intent: greet
    - action: utter_greet
    - intent: ask_restaurant_recommendation
    - action: restaurant_form
    - form: restaurant_form
    - form: null
    - action: utter_anything_else
    - intent: affirm
    - bot: |
        Glad I could help!

- story: chitchat to recommend
    - user: |
    - bot: |
    - user: |
        I am hungry
    - bot: |
        Want me to search for restaurant?
    - user: |
        yes please!
      intent: affirm
    - action: restaurant_form
    - form: restaurant_form
    - form: null
    - slot: found_restaurant
      value: True
    - action: utter_anything_else
    - user: |
        no, thank you
    - bot: |
        Glad I could help!
- story: chitchat to recommend to ask address
    - user: |
        I feel a little hungry
    - bot: |
        Want me to search for restaurant?
    - user: |
        sounds good
      intent: affirm
    - action: restaurant_form
    - form: restaurant_form
    - form: null
    - slot: found_restaurant
      value: True
    - action: utter_anything_else
    - intent: ask_restaurant_address
    - action: action_search_address
    - user: |
        great thanks
    - bot: |
        Glad I could help!

I’m following the format from the preliminary notion page. This combining text end-to-end conversation with rules&actions is what excites me the most for Rasa 2.0 release so I kinda want to have some experiments on it.

@JiteshGaikwad It still has the same warning since if you see in core.training.story_reader.yaml_story_reader.py line 134-169, the codes still doesn’t recognize key user and bot yet, or even parsing any text from the stories.yml. I assume supporting text in story files will be supported on the next alpha version?

let my try it, I will test and let you know :slight_smile:

hey @tomgun132, I just checked the core.training.story_reader.yaml_story_reader.py , line no. 18-32, I don’t see user bot key, I guess this might be the reason you got the above error.


@JiteshGaikwad yeah. So I can assume current alpha still doesn’t support text for core training.

Ya I guess that’s true, maybe this is feedback for the alpha release, I have tagged aklead for the same, may be they will look into it, thanks :slight_smile:


Awesome! The Markdown to YAML change is really great. Great to see such a community driven development!

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hey @tomgun132

the bot key doesn’t exist indeed. Please take a look at the updated version of the examples here or directly on the github.

yeah. So I can assume current alpha still doesn’t support text for core training

That’s exactly the case.


Hello @degiz, Thanks for confirming!

I’m waiting for this feature since my implementation for the chatbot is not text-based so I want to try combining text for the story to increase user engagement.

Hi all, I get this issue while installing Rasa alpha version.I am using python version 3.8 on windows setup.How to get this right? Shared with CloudApp

Hey @martinavalogia,

Please try installing the latest version:

Hi @Emma, I have installed the alpha version only on a virtual env set up in windows using the below command Shared with CloudApp