What is the default timeout of rasa X JWT?

  1. What is the default timeout of rasa X JWT? /auth/jwt?
  2. If a conversation is really stale, should I authenticate the user again? If I re-authenticate, will the “sender_id” for that user change?

Hi @psds01, are you referring to the default user or the are you talking about the “share your assistant” feature? for the default user:

  1. the JWT timeout is 8h
  2. yes, you should just re-authenticate the user. the conversation ID will not change

how can I change the time it takes an authentication token to expire?

The default timeout of the JSON Web Token (JWT) used by Rasa X is 1 day or 24 hours. After 24 hours, the token will expire and the user will need to log in again to generate a new token.

However, the timeout value can be customized by modifying the JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES configuration option in the Rasa X settings.yml file. This option defines the duration of time after which the access token will expire. For example, to set the timeout to 7 days, you can modify the JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES option in settings.yml as follows: JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES: 7 days After making this change, you’ll need to restart Rasa X for the new setting to take effect. Firebase authentication is invoked in case of a risky operation such as deleting a user. “Silent sign-in” is also not possible in this case.