Web-Chat to connect socketio shows 2 times- "User xxxxxxxx connected to socketIO endpoint."

Hi all,

When I run the commands in terminal-

rasa run -m models --enable-api --cors “*” --debug

It shows 2 times as connected to socketIO endpoint. when we use Rasa-WebChat.

credentials.yml -


Is it ok or I have to make some changes for this???

Please, let me know if I missed anything… Thanks

@ck4all89 it a generic process nothing to be worried about, does it affect your conversation or loading chatwidget?

@ck4all89 Why do you have 2 credentials for DB, isn’t tracker store details enough for redis? Does it need lock store as well? I am using MySql , not aware of redis. Can you check using only one credentails for a single db? Since 2 credentials are given, I am assuming the bot connected to 2 DB’s and showing you like that.

Hi Bharath,

I also used MySql DB to store conversations as tracker_store-


type: SQL

dialect: “mysql+pymysql”

url: “localhost”

db: “rasa_events”

username: “root”

password: “”

I get some issue in terminal -

2022-03-16 08:45:05 DEBUG rasa.core.actions.forms - Validating extracted slots: {} 2022-03-16 08:45:05 DEBUG rasa.core.actions.action - Calling action endpoint to run action ‘validate_clientAuthForm’. 2022-03-16 08:45:07 DEBUG rasa.core.lock_store - Issuing ticket for conversation ‘65e0d841883b47b381dd32d219d0b224’. 2022-03-16 08:45:07 DEBUG rasa.core.lock_store - Acquiring lock for conversation ‘65e0d841883b47b381dd32d219d0b224’. 2022-03-16 08:45:07 DEBUG rasa.core.lock_store - Failed to acquire lock for conversation ID ‘65e0d841883b47b381dd32d219d0b224’ because 1 other item(s) for this conversation ID have to be finished processing first. Retrying in 1 seconds …

To avoide “Failed to acquire lock for conversation ID”, I used redis DB.

Please let me know for above issue… Thanks

@ck4all89 Chandan, this is not related to the main issue. But, I will try to suggest you.

@ck4all89 can you share the domain.yml, actions.py files, credentials.yml, and endpoints.yml. I can see you have updated the (reason for that?)

@ck4all89 can you even share the rasa – version?

Thanks @nik202 for reply.

I am using Rasa-2.8.8.

config.yml (890 Bytes) domain.yml (9.4 KB) actions.py (5.3 KB)

rules.yml (814 Bytes) stories.yml (426 Bytes)

credentials.yml (934 Bytes) endpoints.yml (1.2 KB)

But on aws, I am using on endpoints.yml -


url: “http://<host_name>:5055/webhook”

And, in credentials.yml -


url: “http://<host_name>:5002/api”

Here <host_name> is our host name.

Please, let me know if I missed anything else. Thanks

@ck4all89 as per my understanding you are using your server IP address instead of right? Have you opened those ports in aws security inbound rules?

Hi Bharath,

Thanks for reply.

Yes, when I deploy codes on aws then, we change to <host_name> like - url: “http://<host_name>:5055/webhook”

Have you opened those ports in aws security inbound rules? Yes


@ck4all89 in actions.py file

remove this

from rasa_sdk.forms import FormValidationAction

change to

from rasa_sdk import FormValidationAction

Please ref this repo for form validation please: rasa-2.x-form-examples/actions.py at main · RasaHQ/rasa-2.x-form-examples · GitHub

@ck4all89 I’d recommend to you first run the code on local machine and let me know you are able to run it properly or not.

@ck4all89 do tag me always.

Good Luck!

@ck4all89 try to pass action url with https , I am not able to access your bot using Http, with Https I am able to access.