Here are my versions :
rasa_nlu :0.15.1 , rasa_core : 0.14.5 ,rasa_core_sdk : 1.6.1
Here is the custom action file :
class ApiAction(Action): def name(self): return “custom_action_medicinesearch”
def run(self, dispatcher: CollectingDispatcher , tracker, domain):
medicine_name = tracker.get_slot('medicine_name')
print("slot:" ,medicine_name)
filename = "Sheet1.json"
datastore = dict()
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
datastore = json.load(f)
dispatcher.utter_message('Please wait while I search for {}'.format(medicine_name))
flag =0
response = "couldnot find that !"
for items in datastore:
if items['Brand'] == medicine_name:
#print("Medicine Name : " ,items['Brand'])
#print("Price : " ,items['Price(In Rs.)'])
response = str(items['Brand']) + "\n" + "costs rupees " + str(items['Price(In Rs.)'])
flag = 1
if flag ==0 :
print("sorry I could not find that for you :(")
print("printing :" ,response)
The custom is getting registered successfully and the output , ie medicine name and price are stored in response is printed in docker container .
However , the utter message command is not working and its reflecting on the chat window . It is jumping to the next action in the story without printing message
Please Help !