Utter_ask or action_ask

#apagar ou mudar a qtd de um item
- rule: deletar ou mudar a qtd de um item
  - intent: apagar_item
  - action: botao_acao #mostra os itens que estão no cesto
#  - action: botoes_escolha_subcategoria
  - action: utter_ask_item_escolhido
  #- action: envio_fotos_subcategoria

One question: is utter or action_ask mandatory to be placed inside a form?

You should learn basic tutorial first, it is the fastest way.

These tutorials are very clear. When you write it in yml files, you can use utter_ask_slot_name, and when you write custom action to ask slot, the action name is action_ask_slot_name.


But I don’t want to build a form, I just asked if it would be possible to create an utter_ask outside the form.

@RodrigoLima Yes, as far as I know you can please see this doc: Writing Conversation Data or I’m sorry If I not get your question.
