Using value and role

HI, can i use entity value and role together? example: [Xaritani]{“entity”:“mapEntity”, “value”:“mapU”} masshtabini [yaqinlashtir]{“entity”:“instype”, “value”:“zoon_in”, “role”:“instruction”}|[kichraytir]{“entity”:“instype”, “value”:“zoon_out”, “role”:“instruction”}.

Please review the docs here. You’ll find this example:

- I want to fly from [Berlin]{"entity": "city", "role": "departure"} to [San Francisco]{"entity": "city", "role": "destination"}.

i need to extract 2 information from one entity. Like: {“entity”:“instype”, “value”:“zoon_in”, “role”:“instruction”}. Can i do that? and one more question: i need to convert my rasa model to ONNX, but i couldn’t find examples. does RASA supports converting for another models or only RASA version 3.x doesn’t support converting yet?

[kichraytir]{“entity”:“instype”, “value”:“zoon_out”, “role”:“instruction”}

Using your original example above, there is no value specification. The entity value for instype would be set to kichraytir in that example. If you want it to instead be set to zoon_out, you could define a synonym for zoon_out that includes kichraytir.

I’m not familiar with ONNX. I would review the source code if you want to purse this. You could take apart the model.tar.gz.