Hello! I’ve been trying to use a form to arrange a meeting, in a group. In order to do this, i used DucklingEntityExtractor, and using a custom action, the slots are mapped with the values received from the Duckling Extractor. I’m using slots: month, day and hour. The problem lies in using a form to achieve this. I know a form is the best option, as the bot NEEDS to make sure it has all the information it requieres, before making the meeting. I’m not quite sure how does ‘extract_slot’ works, and I dont know if a should also be using a custom action for the required slots… When the bot detects an intent about someone proposing a meeting, it parses the date given to the slots ( depending on what slots were filled before, so the bot is aware of the context). I’m not getting into how it works, but the things is, in every bot turns, it must be capable of changing any of the slots (1,2, or 3 slots). Once all slots are filled, they all get validated (together) So that’s what i want to achieve, but the form is getting into a loop. I wanted to know if i misunderstanded any concept of a form ( and how it works) and how should I be using it, to stop it from getting into a loop and finally complete and deactivate the form.
The loop will continue untill all required slots for the form are filled. Once all slots are extracted and validated it will set the value to null and you can add a rule to deactivate the form
thank you for answering. I already have a rule to deactivate the form, but still not working