Unable to store conversation using posgresql

@Ghostvv Unable to store conversation using PostgreSQL database. Please suggest the correct way to connect SQL based data store connection


rasa.core.tracker_store  - Error happened when trying to save conversation tracker to 'SQLTrackerStore'. Falling back to use the 'InMemoryTrackerStore'. Please investigate the following error: (psycopg2.OperationalError) FATAL:  database "chatbotdb" does not exist

endpoints.yml trackerstore configuration

    type: SQL
    dialect: "postgresql"  
    url: "localhost:5432" 
    db: "chatbotdb"  # 
    username: "postgres"
    password: "1234"

Error message seems to indicate that your DB “chatbotdb” doesn’t exist.

Are you able to connect to the postgres URL and to that particular DB using some psql or some other DB tool?