Unable to run rasa train in rasa 1.5.3 version ImportError: Cannot retrieve policy from path 'KerasPolicy'

This is the version of rasa I am using.

I was running into a Jaxlib error when I was did a pip install rasa==1.5.3 on my windows 10 laptop. [ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement jaxlib>=0.1.51 (from dopamine-rl->tensor2tensor~=1.14.0->rasa==1.5.3) (from versions: none)

I was able to fix it by referring to the solution mentioned in this link.

After that, I was encountering the 2 TensorFlow dependency errors I mentioned in my previous query.

FIX: I downgraded the tensorflow_datasets to 1.1.0 pip install tensorflow-datasets==1.1.0

This worked for me.

@akelad, Thanks for responding to the query. Regards, Smrithi