Unable to get response from custom action in rasa x

I am pretty new to RASA. So, apologies in advance if my question is found to be too basic.

I have deployed the bot on to GCP with docker-compose. But I am unable to get the response from my custom actions displayed on rasa-x. And I am unable to figure out why is that so.

Following is my docker-compose.override.yml file


Following the project structure on GitHub.

I also following the steps from link. But for that, I am getting the below error.

I don’t understand where I messed up.

This is my rasa x screenshot.

The bot is able to figure out which action to invoke, but the utterance from the action is not being displayed.

So basically I was facing this problem since I was unable to establish a connection from GCP to my docker image in DockerHub. With help from @athenasaurav , the bot worked as expected. Please try the following.

In your Dockerfile, add the below command:

CMD [“start”, “–actions”, “actions”, “–debug”]

Also, the docker-compose.override.yml file should look something like this

Once done, build the docker image and push the same with the same version as specified in the docker-compose.override.yml.

The bot can be tested now.

Thank you @athenasaurav

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Most welcome @Sudipto2806