Unable to connect rasa to facebook messenger

It won’t neccessarily be an error, you have to look at what is happening and debug yourself why your bot isn’t doing what you tell it to.

when i use this 20190904-205503.tar.gz (851.4 KB) already trained model then my cutom action works fine. but when i use new trained model by running rasa train command then my custom action did not work using this new model.

@erohmensing is there any issue in training?

I don’t know, you’d have to look at your data before and after training. At this point this issue is way out of scope of the original post.

ok, Please tell me that it is required each time to train the model again if i change or write something in custom actions? and is it required to restart the action server?

If you change actions, you have to restart the action server. you don’t have to train the bot.

similarly, if you change something in your training data or domain or config, you have to re-train the bot. you don’t have to restart the action server.

Thanks @erohmensing :slight_smile:

hello, i have deployed my bot over GCP

i am using `


as my callback url. but it is not working

i am using docker and nginx

how to connect, how to expose port

thanks `