Hi I am having following error when creating a custom action in which I want to incorporate UserUtteranceReverted. My actions.py file looks like this
from rasa_core_sdk import Action
from rasa_core_sdk.events import SlotSet
from rasa_core.events import UserUtteranceReverted
class ActionCheckingSlotsADD(Action):
def name(self):
return "action_checkingslots_add"
def run(self, dispatcher, tracker, domain):
a_action = tracker.get_slot('action')
date = tracker.get_slot('date')
duration = tracker.get_slot('duration')
if a_action is None:
dispatcher.utter_message("""Sadly I could not unterstand the action you were trying to initiate.
Could you please rephrase your request.
Example I want to activate data roaming
on the 5th of August 2018 for a duration of 8 days""")
return [UserUtteranceReverted()]
if date is None:
dispatcher.utter_message("""Sadly I could not understand the entered date.
Please retry your request with a valid date.
Example DD.MM.YYYY or 5th of August 2018""")
return [UserUtteranceReverted()]
if duration is None:
dispatcher.utter_message("""Sadly I could not find a valid duration.
Could you please retry your request with a valid duration.
Example 5 days or 4 weeks etc.""")
return [UserUtteranceReverted()]
dispatcher.utter_template("utter_action_date_duration", tracker, action=a_action, date=date, duration=duration)
. TypeError: Object of type UserUtteranceReverted is not JSON serializable Thank you!