Twilio - error 204: No Content, and channel connetcion issues

Hi all,
I am trying to connect Rasa Open Source to Whatsapp via Twilio. After I have followed these instructions, ngrok display this error:

POST /webhooks/twilio/webhook 204 No Content

Furthermore, Rasa show this:

2021-05-29 10:09:25 ERROR rasa.core.channels.twilio - Something went wrong ‘Unable to create record: Twilio could not find a Channel with the specified From address’ 2021-05-29 10:09:25 INFO twilio.http_client - POST Request: 2021-05-29 10:09:25 INFO twilio.http_client - PAYLOAD: {‘To’: ‘whatsapp:+393475745913’, ‘From’: ‘whatsapp:+393475745913’, ‘Body’: “Our pizza: :pizza: [‘Salami’, ‘Tuna’, ‘Pepperoni’] :pizza:”} 2021-05-29 10:09:25 INFO twilio.http_client - POST Response: 400 {“code”: 63007, “message”: “Twilio could not find a Channel with the specified From address”, “more_info”: "https://www.t2021-05-29 10:09:25 ERROR rasa.core.channels.twilio - Something went wrong ‘Unable to create record: Twilio could not find a Channel with the specified From address’ 2021-05-29 10:09:25 INFO twilio.http_client - POST Request: 2021-05-29 10:09:25 INFO twilio.http_client - PAYLOAD: {‘To’: ‘whatsapp:+393475745913’, ‘From’: ‘whatsapp:+393475745913’, ‘Body’: “Our pizza: :pizza: [‘Salami’, ‘Tuna’, ‘Pepperoni’] :pizza:”} 2021-05-29 10:09:25 INFO twilio.http_client - POST Response: 400 {“code”: 63007, “message”: “Twilio could not find a Channel with the specified From address”, “more_info”: “”, “status”: 400}

Hi @SimoCanc :wave: the error says that Twilio can’t find the From number you are providing. Can you confirm that your From number is valid? Also, do you have Business Profile with Whatsapp within Twilio or are you using the Whatsapp Sandbox?

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Hi m.vielkind, I have just solved changing the Twilio’s auth_token