Synonyms for other words than entities

Hello everyone,

Isn’t it possible to use synonyms for other words than entities ? Does a word always have to be an entity to be mapped to its synonym ? If that’s the case, I presume I should rewrite the same sentence with the word (that is not an entity) substitued with its synonym in every intent and with every synonym ?

There is no simpler way ?


Not necessarily!

If you use pre-trained word embeddings in your pipeline, it takes care of synonyms of words. Still, there is no substitute for providing more data to train on to the bot.

Hello @gaushh, no I’m not using pretrained word embeddings ! So I guess I have to do what I said above ?

I believe so! Is there any good reason you’re not using pre-trained word embeddings? I mean that almost always helps the bot in generalizing.

Does the language you’re making your bot in not have pretrained embeddings?

Okay thanks ! That’s because pretrained word embeddings don’t cover specific domain words.