Slot not set properly when using a custom form validation

I’m trying to use the Rasa form example on github and I have a problem with the dynamic slots: the first_name slot is being set over and over, througout the form. Everytime another slot is asked.

This is the log of the interactive shell:

Chat History
 6                                                                can I sign up ? 
                                                              intent: signup 0.98 
 7    signup_form 1.00                                                            
      active_loop{"name": "signup_form"}                                          
      slot{"requested_slot": "first_name"}                                        
  What is your first name?                      <-- asks for first_name (the source of the problem)                       
      slot{"first_name": "Syker"}                                                 
  Thank you It's Syker                          <-- already failed interactive labeling           !!!                                 
      slot{"name_spelled_correctly": null}                                        
      slot{"first_name": "It's Syker"}                                            
      slot{"requested_slot": "name_spelled_correctly"}                          
  Are you sure it's spelled correctly?          <--  said no, you got it wrong            
      slot{"name_spelled_correctly": null}                                        
      slot{"first_name": null}                                                    
      slot{"requested_slot": "first_name"}                                        
  Can I have you first name, please?            <-- try with first_name only                 
      slot{"first_name": "Syker"}                                               
  Thank you Syker                               <-- verify first_name       
      slot{"name_spelled_correctly": null}                                        
      slot{"first_name": "Syker"}                                                 
      slot{"requested_slot": "name_spelled_correctly"}                            
  Are you sure it's spelled correctly?          <-- unknown name: ok        
      slot{"name_spelled_correctly": true}                                        
      slot{"first_name": "Syker"}                                                 
      slot{"requested_slot": "last_name"}                                         
  Can I have you last name, please?             <-- switch to last_name                   
      slot{"name_spelled_correctly": null}                                        
      slot{"last_name": "Wazabi"}                                                 
      slot{"first_name": null}                                                    
      slot{"requested_slot": "first_name"}                                       
  What is your first name?                      <--- failed: first_name is not set          !!!
      slot{"first_name": "Syker"}                                                 
      ...                                    <-- verify first_name + unknown: ok
      I need your email address.                <-- switch to email                
      slot{"email": ""}                                         
      slot{"name_spelled_correctly": null}                                        
      slot{"email": ""}                                         
      slot{"first_name": null}                                                    
      slot{"requested_slot": "first_name"}                                        
      Can I have you first name, please?        <--- failed: first_name is not set             !!!      
      slot{"first_name": "Syker"}                                                 
       ...                                      <-- verify first_name + unknown: ok                              
      slot{"first_name": "Syker"}                                                 
      slot{"requested_slot": null}                                                
      slot{"requested_slot": null}                                                
      active_loop{"name": null}   

This is my form validation in

from typing import Text, List, Any, Dict, Optional
import pathlib
from rasa_sdk import Tracker, FormValidationAction
from rasa_sdk.executor import CollectingDispatcher
from rasa_sdk.types import DomainDict

NAMES = pathlib.Path("data/names.txt").read_text().split("\n")

class ValidateNameForm(FormValidationAction):
    def name(self) -> Text:
        return "validate_signup_form"

    async def required_slots(self, slots_mapped_in_domain, dispatcher, tracker, domain,):
        first_name = tracker.slots.get('first_name')

        if first_name is not None:
            if first_name not in NAMES:
                print('Unknown first name. Checking for correctness.')
                return ['name_spelled_correctly'] + slots_mapped_in_domain

        last_name = tracker.slots.get('last_name')
        email = tracker.slots.get("email")

        return slots_mapped_in_domain

    def validate_email(self, slot_value, dispatcher, tracker, domain):
        # for now
        if not '@' in slot_value or len(slot_value) <= 3:
            dispatcher.utter_message(text=f"Your email doesn't seem correct. I'm assuming you mis-spelled.")
            return {"email": None}
            return {"email": slot_value}

    def validate_first_name(self, slot_value, dispatcher, tracker, domain):
        """Validate `first_name` value."""
        # If the name is super short, it might be wrong.
        intent = tracker.get_intent_of_latest_message()
        if intent == 'deny':
            return {'first_name': None}

        print(f"First name given = {slot_value} length = {len(slot_value)}")

        if len(slot_value) < 2:
            dispatcher.utter_message(text=f"That's a very short name. I'm assuming you mis-spelled.")
            return {"first_name": None}
            dispatcher.utter_message(text=f'Thank you {slot_value}')
            return {"first_name": slot_value}

    def validate_last_name(self, slot_value, dispatcher, tracker, domain):
        """Validate `last_name` value."""
        # If the name is super short, it might be wrong.
        if len(slot_value) < 2:
            dispatcher.utter_message(text=f"That's a very short name. I'm assuming you mis-spelled.")
            return {"last_name": None}
            return {"last_name": slot_value}

    async def extract_name_spelled_correctly(self, dispatcher, tracker, domain):
        intent = tracker.get_intent_of_latest_message()
        return {"name_spelled_correctly": intent == "affirm"}

    def validate_name_spelled_correctly(self, slot_value, dispatcher, tracker, domain):
        """Validate name spelled correctly"""
        if tracker.get_slot("name_spelled_correctly"):
            return {"first_name": tracker.get_slot("first_name"), "name_spelled_correctly": True}
        return {"first_name": None, "name_spelled_correctly": None}

Hi, which example are you using? And would you be able to share the debug logs of this conversation? The logs you have posted are a little hard to read