Sharing visualization Graphs

Hi, I have a bot which iis used used to query a Excel data via a dataframe. Is there a way where user could ask some thing like show me the trend graph, the visualization (which can be created on the fly) be sent to the bot as a response.

Example: Human: can you give me trend analysis of last 6 months Bot: Sure here you go…generates the last 6 months data based on current date plots (through python libs) and shares the shame

@tyd @Juste any insights much appreciated

Hi @Sheik. This can definitely be done using custom actions. You could use, seaborn or any other visualization library in python which would create a visualisation based on the extracted data points and send it to the users as a .jpg or .png file for example. What frontend are you using for your assistant?

I have used ngrok and connected it to the twilio and whatsapp.

Great. I am pretty sure whatsapp supports the files to be sent in the payload so doing all that in a custom action should work

with images we can’t interact, can we send any response through which we can interact?

Hi Syed,

Did you manage to achieve this functionality? Am also looking to send interactive visualizations as a response?

@Sheik Did you achieve this? Looking for an example for the same functionality.