Select Button in cmndline Interface

Hi, I am working with a custom form and I was wondering if it is possible for Rasa to identify which button the user wants to select when the user types the name or something close to it? For example, I have the following 2 options in my form in the cmdline: 1: ok-noodle-newark-3 (/made_choice{“restaurant_type”: “eCs2w1_XtDp51jYBsGulWQ”}) 2: teo-chow-noodle-shack-fremont (/made_choice{“restaurant_type”: “7BlSd63UNfopUCwSAQfVBw”})

I know that I can make a selection by copying and pasting the Payload (ie. /made_choice{“restaurant_type”: “7BlSd63UNfopUCwSAQfVBw”} ) into the chat and having it move forward in the conversation. I am wondering if I should be able to type “teo chow noodle” to select it as well. Currently, if I type “teo chow noodle”, the bot will think it is chit chat move to a the chit chat intent.

Appreciate any help!

Thanks, BRE

Welcome BRE,

You could add tee chow noodle and other restaurant types as utterance examples in your intent.


Hi Greg, thanks for the response! In my chatbot, the restaurant choices are dynamic (they are pulled from an API depending on what the user inputs.) “Tee Chow Noodle” is the name of the restaurant. Restaurant names can vary wildly, will I still be able to train that intent with some examples like that? Thanks! B

Yes. You could periodically pull the list of known restaurant names and put it into a lookup table.