Hi, I am working with a custom form and I was wondering if it is possible for Rasa to identify which button the user wants to select when the user types the name or something close to it? For example, I have the following 2 options in my form in the cmdline: 1: ok-noodle-newark-3 (/made_choice{“restaurant_type”: “eCs2w1_XtDp51jYBsGulWQ”}) 2: teo-chow-noodle-shack-fremont (/made_choice{“restaurant_type”: “7BlSd63UNfopUCwSAQfVBw”})
I know that I can make a selection by copying and pasting the Payload (ie. /made_choice{“restaurant_type”: “7BlSd63UNfopUCwSAQfVBw”} ) into the chat and having it move forward in the conversation. I am wondering if I should be able to type “teo chow noodle” to select it as well. Currently, if I type “teo chow noodle”, the bot will think it is chit chat move to a the chit chat intent.
Appreciate any help!
Thanks, BRE