I’m trying to load nlu data to create data dynamically
from ruamel import yaml
data = yaml.safe_load(open('nlu.yml'))
but the output is
{'version': '2.0', 'nlu': [{'intent': 'greet', 'examples': "- hey\n- hello\n- hi\n- hello there\n- good morning\n- good evening\n- moin\n- hey there\n- let's go\n- hey dude\n- goodmorning\n- goodevening\n- good afternoon\n"}, {'intent': 'goodbye', 'examples': '- good afternoon\n- cu\n- good by\n- cee you later\n- good night\n- bye\n- goodbye\n- have a nice day\n- see you around\n- bye bye\n- see you later\n'}, {'intent': 'affirm', 'examples': '- yes\n- y\n- indeed\n- of course\n- that sounds good\n- correct\n'}, {'intent': 'deny', 'examples': "- no\n- n\n- never\n- I don't think so\n- don't like that\n- no way\n- not really\n"}, {'intent': 'mood_great', 'examples': '- perfect\n- great\n- amazing\n- feeling like a king\n- wonderful\n- I am feeling very good\n- I am great\n- I am amazing\n- I am going to save the world\n- super stoked\n- extremely good\n- so so perfect\n- so good\n- so perfect\n'}, {'intent': 'mood_unhappy', 'examples': "- my day was horrible\n- I am sad\n- I don't feel very well\n- I am disappointed\n- super sad\n- I'm so sad\n- sad\n- very sad\n- unhappy\n- not good\n- not very good\n- extremly sad\n- so saad\n- so sad\n"}, {'intent': 'bot_challenge', 'examples': '- are you a bot?\n- are you a human?\n- am I talking to a bot?\n- am I talking to a human?\n'}]}
expected out needs to list of strings for the examples key but because of | in the yml files it is throwing this way did anyone handle this successfully using ruamel yaml