Role Entity modification not taken in account in interactive mode

Hi, I use the recent feature with Role and Groups for entities, but when I want to train my bot in interactive mode, if the role is not correctly recognize, the modification is not taken in account like in this example :

? Your input -> bloque skype depuis lyon vers porto                                                            
? Is the intent 'reseau_action' correct for '[bloque]{"entity": "action", "value": "deny"} [skype](application)
 depuis [lyon]{"entity": "city-site", "role": "destination"} vers [porto]{"entity": "city-site", "role": "desti
nation"}' and are all entities labeled correctly?  No                                                          
? What intent is it?  1.00 reseau_action                                                                       
? Please mark the entities using [value](type) notation [bloque]{"entity": "action", "value": "deny"} [skype](a
pplication) depuis [lyon]{"entity": "city-site", "role": "source"} vers [porto]{"entity": "city-site", "role": 
Chat History

 #    Bot                                                                                  You        
 1    action_listen                                                                                   
 2                          [bloque]{"entity": "action", "value": "deny"} [skype](application) depuis 
                          [lyon]{"entity": "city-site", "role": "destination"} vers [porto]{"entity": 
                                                                  "city-site", "role": "destination"} 
                                                                           intent: reseau_action 1.00 
 3    slot{"action":                                                                                  

The entity “Lyon” is a “city-site” but it has to be a role “source” and my modification does not appear in the chat history,

Is it normal ?

Thank you by advance.

I Have the same problem, all modification related to role are discarded in the rasa interactive. As I tested, this problem exists in rasa version 1.10.0 to 1.10.6.

Am I setting the files wrong? Here is my

## intent:flightCheck
- I want to fly from [Japan]{"entity": "city", "role": "departure"} to [Tokyo]{"entity": "city", "role": "destination"}.
- Fly from [London]{"entity": "city", "role": "departure"} to [Tokyo]{"entity": "city", "role": "destination"}.
- I am going to [Taiwan]{"entity": "city", "role": "destination"} from [Japan]{"entity": "city", "role": "departure"}
- I want to go to [Hong Kong]{"entity": "city", "role": "destination"}
- I am coming from [Taiwan]{"entity": "city", "role": "departure"}
- I want to go to [Taiwan]{"entity": "city", "role": "destination"}

## lookup: city
- Hong Kong
- Taiwan
- London
- Tokyo
- Japan 

and the result is like this

I want to go from Japan to Taiwan
  "intent": {
    "name": "flightCheck",
    "confidence": 0.5289556980133057
  "entities": [
      "entity": "city",
      "start": 18,
      "end": 23,
      "role": "departure",
      "value": "Japan",
      "extractor": "DIETClassifier"
      "entity": "city",
      "start": 27,
      "end": 33,
      "role": "destination",
      "value": "Taiwan",
      "extractor": "DIETClassifier"

This is my config.yml

language: en
  - name: WhitespaceTokenizer
  - name: RegexFeaturizer
  - name: LexicalSyntacticFeaturizer
  - name: CountVectorsFeaturizer
  - name: CountVectorsFeaturizer
    analyzer: "char_wb"
    min_ngram: 1
    max_ngram: 4
  - name: DIETClassifier
    epochs: 50
  - name: EntitySynonymMapper
  - name: ResponseSelector
    epochs: 50

As I tested, the role will always be departure. And in the interactive mode, I try to modify the role. I got the same problem that the modification is discarded for the role.

The Wrong prediction of role is the problem of DIETClassifier When I switch to CRFEntityExtractor, The problem doesnot happen.

But still, cannot change the role label in interactive mode