Rasa x is not working on windows 10


As discussed:

Downgrad to pip install rasa==2.7.1 and pip install rasa-sdk==2.7.0

then install:

pip install rasa-x==0.39.3 --extra-index-url https://pypi.rasa.com/simple

Always check the version whilst using rasa --version and other trick, which I shared with you.

Some errors:

ImportError: cannot import name ‘RowProxy’ from ‘sqlalchemy.engine’ try running pip install SQLAlchemy==1.3.22 should fix it.)

And, if you get an error not being able to import yaml then run pip install pyyaml.

Even loop closed/ I’m cross check this, but If you able to work with rasa-x ignore this error:

  1. Go to the directory: venv/Lib/site-packages/rasa/core/channels/console.py
  2. Change the default value of DEFAULT_STREAM_READING_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS to more than 10, what ever time you required.

For creating a fresh environment, without disturbing the current working code, you can ref this:

For Rasa Courses:

  1. [Official] Rasa Certification Workshop
  2. Rasa Advanced Custom Actions, Forms, & Responses Workshop
  3. Rasa Advanced Deployment Workshop
  4. [Free] Rasa for Beginners

Good Luck! I Hope this will solve your issue :wink: