Hi I am trying to train my DIET based model using BIOBERT embeddings. I am getting the following error.
File “/home/xxxxx/anaconda3/envs/rasa_spacy/lib/python3.7/site-packages/transformers/modeling_tf_utils.py”, line 349, in from_pretrained
[WEIGHTS_NAME, TF2_WEIGHTS_NAME], pretrained_model_name_or_path
OSError: Error no file named [‘pytorch_model.bin’, ‘tf_model.h5’] found in directory /home/xxxxx/model_biobert/out_base or from_pt set to False
I already have model in the folder “home/xxxxx/model_biobert/out_base”
I am using the following as pipeline
Hi @kalkbrennerei , yes I am trying to use the pytorch…if you dont support pytorch then the error message is misleading?
How should i go about it. I downloaded the model ckpt files. Should they be converted into tfmodel files. Can you point to some step by step guide?
I dont think so. Not able to implement the solution. I am now using Bio Bert outside of RASA(so sad). Let me know when you have implementation. I can give it a try again