Rasa with Android and IOS

I want to integrate Rasa with Android. It uses HTTPS requests. Can RASA use HTTPS request or it only support HTTP requests? I mean can i attach SSL certificate with it.

Yes! When you host your bot in some cloud service (like aws, azure, google cloud etc), you can use SSL certificate fallow cloud service steps

Rasa will work very wel

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@itsjhonny I’m using on premises server, could we attach SSL on that.

For development, you can use Rasa with Ngrok fallow this steps

You can try this command

rasa run --ssl-certificate /path_to_folder/mydomain.crt --ssl-keyfile /path_to_folder/mydomain.key --m ./models --endpoints endpoints.yml --port 5005 -vv --enable-api --cors “*” --credentials credentials.yml

or configure your nginx/apache serve with ssl certificate

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@itsjhonny Thanks for the help. Let me try it. I’ll let you know how it goes.

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