Rasa User Authenticate

@nik202 I have created user details form where I am collecting users information (using slots) and storing in database. So how do I authenticate the user to direct the user to my bot and also how do I store the bot and user conversation in data base?

Heya @syednoormujassum !

For storing the bot/user conversation you can use tracker store:

Update this code in endpoints.yml

For Postgres:

   type: SQL
   dialect: "postgresql"  # the dialect used to interact with the db
   url: "localhost"  # (optional) host of the sql db, e.g. "localhost"
   db: "chatbot"  # path to your db
   username: "postgres"  # username used for authentication
   password: "123"  # password used for authentication
   # query: # optional dictionary to be added as a query string to the connection URL
   #   driver: my-driver

For MySQL:

   type: SQL
   dialect: "mysql+pymysql"  # the dialect used to interact with the db
   url: "localhost"  # (optional) host of the sql db, e.g. "localhost"
   db: "rasa"  # path to your db
   username: "root"  # username used for authentication
   password: "root"  # password used for authentication

Note: You also need to install psycopg2-binary and pymysql. You will see when it will thrown error.

@syednoormujassum You need to create a database schema i.e rasa (or whatever you feel like) and update same in db: rasa, train the bot and run rasa and rasa actions in separate terminals; whilst running you will get above mention errors or some other please install in your condo environment and again train and follow the process.

Good Luck!

The above is the model right? Like post this what do I give to record the conversation in dB @nik202

@syednoormujassum This need to update in endpoints.yml under tracker store and you will be able to store the conversation log of bot/user, for that you need to open mysql and postures backend, so they will communicate.

oh ok @nik202 will look into it and get back to you. Can we do this using sqlalchemy?

@syednoormujassum Yes and do ref this for more information Tracker Stores

Good Luck!