Rasa synonym

i have tried to make synonym for the enitiy i want , however it doesnt work as it should be as seen in pictures i have wrote word foice and the interactive said "entity: issue_type , “value” : voice but it doesnt change in the slot value and afterward everything crash cause i dont have actions for “foice”

side note i have another project that i used synonym and they it work perfectly but i don’t why in this project it have issues

Okay i solved the issue, rasa was detecting the words and everything coreectly without even using

  • name: DIETClassifier
  • epochs: 100
  • constrain_similarities: true
  • name: EntitySynonymMapper"
  • in the configuration however the problem was in domain file in the slot of issue_type the slot should be like this
    type: text
    influence_conversation: true
    - type: from_entity
      entity: issue_type
      - active_loop: network_complains_form
        requested_slot: issue_type

but it was like this

    type: text
    influence_conversation: true
    - type: from_text
      entity: issue_type
      - active_loop: network_complains_form
        requested_slot: issue_type

the whole issue were in mapping from_text changed it from entity