Rasa socket url not working on https secure link but working fine on http

I’m trying to integrate rasa bot to the secure https website but when I add the secure https socketURL it give’s error on console

but When I try the same thing with Http socket URL then it’s working totally fine can somebody tell me how to fix this. We are using nginx to reverse proxy rasa server and using ssl certificates in the nginx configurations.

My commands to start Rasa:

rasa run actions --cors "*" --debug
rasa run --auth-token "123456" --enable-api --debug --cors "*" --log-file logs\rasa.log -m models\20240223-180746-sizzling-cider.tar.gz

I hope it helps you.

hello danh, first of all thanks for replying ! Can you tell me more about --auth-token " " , coz I haven’t used any of kinda token in my bot to authorized.

HI,I am facing same issue. I deployed BOT in aws environment. There is NO authentication authorisation involved here. When app trying to connect rasa web hook endpoint getting below error. ‘https://my-app.com’ has been blocked by CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource.

HI,I am also having same issue. As you told iam using cors * only with out any token. I deployed BOT in aws environment. There is NO authentication authorisation involved here. When app trying to connect rasa web hook endpoint getting below error. ‘https://my-app.com’ has been blocked by CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource.

What I mean is let’s try using --cors “*” instead of --cors *, because I’ve had this happen before.

rasa run actions --cors "*" --debug
rasa run --enable-api --debug --cors "*" --log-file logs\rasa.log -m models\20240223-180746-sizzling-cider.tar.gz