Rasa RocketChat Integration Starting out


I am new to Rasa. I was trying to just test integration with rocketchat. installed rasa 1.1.3. I can see a http 200 from Rocketchat but I do not see the response come back from Rasa is there something I need to do for the response to come back from Rasa. This was setup with the initial rasa init --no-prompt project. I followed the instructions but I am getting the following:

(bottest) ubuntu@chat:~/testbot$ rasa run actions
2019-06-21 20:57:15 INFO     rasa_sdk.endpoint  - Starting action endpoint server...
2019-06-21 20:57:15 INFO     rasa_sdk.endpoint  - Action endpoint is up and running. on ('', 5055)
2019-06-21 20:57:25 WARNING  rasa_sdk.endpoint  - You are using an old version of rasa which might not be compatible with this version of rasa_sdk (1.1.0).
To ensure compatibility use the same version for both, modulo the last number, i.e. using version A.B.x the numbers A and B should be identical for both rasa and rasa_sdk.
2019-06-21 20:57:25 WARNING  rasa_sdk.executor  - Received an action call without an action. - - [2019-06-21 20:57:25] "POST /webhook? HTTP/1.1" 200 144 0.001245

Any help would be appreciated.

Hmm, the warning looks okay, we just might not have updated the sdk in the meantime. Have you made sure your bot works first on the command line using rasa shell before testing it in rocketchat?

Here is the test for followup

(bottest) ubuntu@chat:~/testbot$ rasa shell 2019-06-25 15:26:58 INFO root - Starting Rasa Core server on http://localhost:5005 Bot loaded. Type a message and press enter (use ‘/stop’ to exit): Your input -> hello Hey! How are you? Your input -> sad Here is something to cheer you up: Image: https://i.imgur.com/nGF1K8f.jpg Did that help you? Your input -> yes thank you Great carry on!

Okay, so it seems to be working fine in the command line. What happens if you run in rocket chat with the --debug flag? Is your bot processing the input?

It dos not look like it is processing the input.


(bottest) ubuntu@chat:~/testbot$ rasa run --debug -vv actions 2019-06-25 17:50:30 WARNING rasa_sdk.endpoint - You are using an old version of rasa which might not be compatible with this version of rasa_sdk (1.1.0). To ensure compatibility use the same version for both, modulo the last number, i.e. using version A.B.x the numbers A and B should be identical for both rasa and rasa_sdk. 2019-06-25 17:50:30 WARNING rasa_sdk.executor - Received an action call without an action. - - [2019-06-25 17:50:30] “POST /webhook? HTTP/1.1” 200 144 0.001070


Hm, I think it’s a mistake that it’s returning 200 even though it didn’t receive an action. Sorry I wasn’t clear though, I meant that it’d be helpful to see the --debug log of the server where you’re running rasa run --connector rocketchat or whatever your run command for your rasa server is.

Also, are you connected via ngrok? If so, pulling up the logs of those requests would be helpful. They give you a website where you can go to see the requests hitting the endpoint.


No I am not using grok Rocketchat and rasa are on the same host. I think I may be confused on how I start the rasa process for listening to the rocketchat platform. Do I need to write a connector? I thought the process was to include a credentials.yml file and I am starting the rasa run actions process. At this point it looks like I am listening on and I get a 200 on /webhook path. Maybe I am reading the instructions incorrectly and I apologize if I am. You stated that I would be running the --connector rocketchat. Is this needed?

Thank you for pointing me to the right direction I see what I am doing wrong.

@acss Can you help me on this ?

I am running this command: rasa run -p 8080 --cors ‘*’ --credentials credentials.yml --connector rocketchat

And this does bring rasa up as it gives 200 curl http://localhost:8080/webhooks/rocketchat/ {“status”:“ok”}%

But RocketChat Outgoing Webhook Integration is not working. If you had any success then Please help.

What does the rasa_log file indicate.

Sorry for late reply.

After webhook integration setup. No logs are getting added in rasa_log file. So, I think there is something wrong with my webhook setup itlsef. (FYI: I am running both rocketchat and rasa on localhost itself)

My configuration is If you do a netstat on the box can you see listener on 8080.